Saturday, September 4, 2010

Im Here

Im still around, my wife and I are living happy in our apartment and enjoying finally getting to live together. I continue to work for the same place making a some-what Higher wage and Buying parts whenever I can. the mustang is still at my parents house here in Price(utah). I honestly miss having the time(and money)  to work on the poor ugly thing. but priorites are just that and I have to eat and have a warm place to sleep. I'll try to post a few interesting pictures of things i have run across at work and whatever else i find myself compellled to share with those of you who find themselves Entranced but what I type here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Started repairing some of the damage and getting the mustang back to a roller

well so far Ive played with one of the dents and got it half way beat out. The rest Ill have to break out my stud welder and put some pull pins on.

The suspension on it has a fresh coat of paint and the lower arm I messed up so bad taking the bushing out of has been replaced. Right now Im waiting for the upper arm bolt kit and the bearing kit. It should be here today or tomorrow as it is in colorado and I am in utah.

The carport is cleaned up and everything is half-way back to normal around my house. we are waiting on the engineer to finish decideing on how to put the roof of the house back together and then hopfully we can get  the cash from the Carport because we cant rebuild it due to Fire code.

As for my personal life, Im begining to plan my wedding once again. Its all hinged on me passing the hard classes of my asscoiates degree, weather or not I can get a job that pays me more than minimium wage and weather or not I can find a place to live. Its hard to Stay motivated with so much extra stress in my life, But I've got to suffer through the bad and welcome the good.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Well as I said, The mustang still lives. Im working a few of the dents out and got some parts today.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ladies, Gentleman and assorted others

the mutang did indeed live. here are the pictures of the damage. Most of which is minor in compairson to what it could have been.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is this the end of the mustang?!

Well After a Fair few months of getting nowhere, Fate Intervened and Left me Wondering what now.

The many month of snow finally began to thaw and give me some hope to return to my beloved mustang and give her the love and attention she deserves. Unfortunatly The carport also decided to make sweet love to my mustang.......all I can say is BOOM!

We'll have to see what the end result is, The insurence company and the contractor they hired just left and said they would have a baseline quote for us by the end of the month.